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mugo accept stdin or file as template and data input.

If you give template with -t option than input is data.
If you give data with -d option than input is template.
If you give both template and data than input is ignored.

  mugo <template> [flags]

mugo -d @data.yaml template.tpl
mugo -d '{"Name": "mugo"}' -o output.txt template.tpl
mugo -d '{"Name": "mugo"}' -o output.txt - < template.tpl
mugo -d '{"Name": "mugo"}' - <<< "{{.Name}}"
mugo -d '{"Name": "mugo"}' -t @template.tpl
mugo -t '{{.Name}}' data.yaml

  -d, --data stringArray            input data as json/yaml or file path with @ prefix could be '.yaml','.yml','.json','.toml' extension
  -r, --data-raw                    set input data as raw
  -b, --data-raw-byte               raw data is byte
      --delims string               comma or space separated list of delimiters to alternate the default "{{ }}"
      --disable-func stringArray    disabled functions for run template
      --disable-group stringArray   disabled groups for run template
      --enable-func stringArray     specific functions for run template
      --enable-group stringArray    specific function groups for run template
  -h, --help                        help for mugo
      --html                        use html/template instead
  -k, --insecure                    skip verify ssl certificate
  -l, --list                        function list
      --log-level string            log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic), default is info (default "info")
      --no-at                       disable @ prefix for file path
      --no-retry                    disable retry on request
  -n, --no-stdin                    disable stdin input
  -o, --output string               output file, default is stdout
  -p, --parse stringArray           parse file pattern for define templates 'testdata/**/*.tpl'
      --perm-file string            create file permission, default is 0644
      --perm-folder string          create folder permission, default is 0755
      --random-seed int             seed for random function, default is 0 (random by time)
  -s, --silience                    silience log
  -t, --template string             input template as raw or file path with @ prefix could be file with any extension
      --trust                       trust to execute dangerous functions
  -v, --version                     version for mugo
  -w, --work-dir string             work directory for run template