ungrouped functions
exec(string) (map[string]interface {}, error)
Trust required function.
{{ exec "echo 'Hello World'" }}
Output: map[stdout:Hello World]
stdout []byte
stderr []byte
status int
execTemplate(string, interface {}) (string, error)
Execute defined template and return.
Input: template-name, data
nothing([]interface {}) string
Not output anything, just return empty string. Useful for empty processed values.
sprig (included directly)
functions directly available not need to sprig. prefix!
abbrev(int, string) string
{{ abbrev 10 "Hello World" }}
Output: Hello W...
abbrevboth(int, int, string) string
{{ abbrevboth 5 10 "1234 5678 9123" }}
Output: ...5678...
add([]interface {}) int64
{{ add 1 2 3 4 5 }}
Output: 15
add1(interface {}) int64
{{ add1 1 }}
Output: 2
add1f(interface {}) float64
{{ add1f 1.1 }}
Output: 2.1
addf([]interface {}) float64
{{ addf 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 }}
Output: 16.5
adler32sum(string) string
{{ adler32sum "Hello World" }}
Output: 403375133
ago(interface {}) string
Timestamp to human readable time ago.
{{ ago 1687989601 }}
Output: 11s
all([]interface {}) bool
{{ all true true false }}
Output: false
any([]interface {}) bool
{{ any true true false }}
Output: true
append(interface {}, interface {}) []interface {}
First argument must be a slice.
{{ append . "add" }}
Output: [1 add]
atoi(string) int
{{ atoi "123" }}
Output: 123
b32dec(string) string
{{ b32dec "MZXW6YTBOI======" }}
Output: foobar
b32enc(string) string
{{ b32enc "foobar" }}
Output: MZXW6YTBOI======
b64dec(string) string
{{ b64dec "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" }}
Output: Hello World
b64enc(string) string
{{ b64enc "Hello World" }}
Output: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=
base(string) string
{{ base "/foo/bar/baz.js" }}
Output: baz.js
bcrypt(string) string
package's GenerateFromPassword
{{ bcrypt "Hello World" }}
Output: $2a$10$dTu/HetKKYglHR1bs9mBFeGkOFgIMAabTdC0TNPh5ucVJLQLTfVYG
biggest(interface {}, []interface {}) int64
{{ biggest 1 2 3 4 5 }}
Output: 5
buildCustomCert(string, string) (sprig.certificate, error)
camelcase(string) string
{{ camelcase "hello_world" }}
Output: HelloWorld
cat([]interface {}) string
{{ cat "Hello" "World" }}
Output: Hello World
ceil(interface {}) float64
{{ ceil 1.1 }}
Output: 2
chunk(int, interface {}) [][]interface {}
{{ chunk 2 (list 1 2 3 4 5) }}
Output: [[1 2] [3 4] [5]]
clean(string) string
{{ clean "/foo/bar/.." }}
Output: /foo
coalesce([]interface {}) interface {}
Returns the first non-empty value.
{{ coalesce "" "Hello World" }}
Output: Hello World
compact(interface {}) []interface {}
concat([]interface {}) interface {}
contains(string, string) bool
function but arguments are reversed.
{{ contains "World" "Hello World" }}
Output: true
date(string, interface {}) string
Date can be a time.Time
or an int, int32, int64
{{ date "2006-01-02" 1690151142 }}
Output: 2023-07-24
dateInZone(string, interface {}, string) string
dateModify(string, time.Time) time.Time
date_in_zone(string, interface {}, string) string
date_modify(string, time.Time) time.Time
decryptAES(string, string) (string, error)
deepCopy(interface {}) interface {}
deepEqual(interface {}, interface {}) bool
default(interface {}, []interface {}) interface {}
derivePassword(uint32, string, string, string, string) string
dict([]interface {}) map[string]interface {}
{{ dict "a" 1 "b" 2 }}
Output: map[a:1 b:2]
dig([]interface {}) (interface {}, error)
dir(string) string
{{ dir "/foo/bar/baz.js" }}
Output: /foo/bar
div(interface {}, interface {}) int64
divf(interface {}, []interface {}) float64
duration(interface {}) string
{{ duration "3600" }}
Output: 1h0m0s
durationRound(interface {}) string
empty(interface {}) bool
{{ empty "" }}
Output: true
encryptAES(string, string) (string, error)
env(string) string
{{ env "HOME" }}
Output: /home/rytsh
expandenv(string) string
{{ expandenv "$HOME" }}
{{ expandenv "${USER}" }}
ext(string) string
{{ ext "/foo/bar/baz.js" }}
Output: .js
fail(string) (string, error)
{{ fail "FAILED PROGRAM" }}
Output: program fail, exit code 1
first(interface {}) interface {}
float64(interface {}) float64
floor(interface {}) float64
fromJson(string) interface {}
genCA(string, int) (sprig.certificate, error)
genCAWithKey(string, int, string) (sprig.certificate, error)
genPrivateKey(string) string
genSelfSignedCert(string, []interface {}, []interface {}, int) (sprig.certificate, error)
genSelfSignedCertWithKey(string, []interface {}, []interface {}, int, string) (sprig.certificate, error)
genSignedCert(string, []interface {}, []interface {}, int, sprig.certificate) (sprig.certificate, error)
genSignedCertWithKey(string, []interface {}, []interface {}, int, sprig.certificate, string) (sprig.### certificate, error)
get(map[string]interface {}, string) interface {}
getHostByName(string) string
has(interface {}, interface {}) bool
hasKey(map[string]interface {}, string) bool
hasPrefix(string, string) bool
hasSuffix(string, string) bool
hello() string
htmlDate(interface {}) string
htmlDateInZone(interface {}, string) string
htpasswd(string, string) string
indent(int, string) string
initial(interface {}) []interface {}
initials(string) string
int(interface {}) int
int64(interface {}) int64
isAbs(string) bool
join(string, interface {}) string
kebabcase(string) string
keys([]map[string]interface {}) []string
kindIs(string, interface {}) bool
kindOf(interface {}) string
last(interface {}) interface {}
list([]interface {}) []interface {}
lower(string) string
max(interface {}, []interface {}) int64
maxf(interface {}, []interface {}) float64
merge(map[string]interface {}, []map[string]interface {}) interface {}
mergeOverwrite(map[string]interface {}, []map[string]interface {}) interface {}
min(interface {}, []interface {}) int64
minf(interface {}, []interface {}) float64
mod(interface {}, interface {}) int64
mul(interface {}, []interface {}) int64
mulf(interface {}, []interface {}) float64
mustAppend(interface {}, interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustChunk(int, interface {}) ([][]interface {}, error)
mustCompact(interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustDateModify(string, time.Time) (time.Time, error)
mustDeepCopy(interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustFirst(interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustFromJson(string) (interface {}, error)
mustHas(interface {}, interface {}) (bool, error)
mustInitial(interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustLast(interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustMerge(map[string]interface {}, []map[string]interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustMergeOverwrite(map[string]interface {}, []map[string]interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustPrepend(interface {}, interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustPush(interface {}, interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustRegexFind(string, string) (string, error)
mustRegexFindAll(string, string, int) ([]string, error)
mustRegexMatch(string, string) (bool, error)
mustRegexReplaceAll(string, string, string) (string, error)
mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral(string, string, string) (string, error)
mustRegexSplit(string, string, int) ([]string, error)
mustRest(interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustReverse(interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustSlice(interface {}, []interface {}) (interface {}, error)
mustToDate(string, string) (time.Time, error)
mustToJson(interface {}) (string, error)
mustToPrettyJson(interface {}) (string, error)
mustToRawJson(interface {}) (string, error)
mustUniq(interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
mustWithout(interface {}, []interface {}) ([]interface {}, error)
must_date_modify(string, time.Time) (time.Time, error)
nindent(int, string) string
nospace(string) string
nothing([]interface {}) string
now() time.Time
omit(map[string]interface {}, []string) map[string]interface {}
osBase(string) string
osClean(string) string
osDir(string) string
osExt(string) string
osIsAbs(string) bool
pick(map[string]interface {}, []string) map[string]interface {}
pluck(string, []map[string]interface {}) []interface {}
plural(string, string, int) string
prepend(interface {}, interface {}) []interface {}
push(interface {}, interface {}) []interface {}
quote([]interface {}) string
randAlpha(int) string
randAlphaNum(int) string
randAscii(int) string
randBytes(int) (string, error)
randInt(int, int) int
randNumeric(int) string
regexFind(string, string) string
regexFindAll(string, string, int) []string
regexMatch(string, string) bool
regexQuoteMeta(string) string
regexReplaceAll(string, string, string) string
regexReplaceAllLiteral(string, string, string) string
regexSplit(string, string, int) []string
repeat(int, string) string
replace(string, string, string) string
rest(interface {}) []interface {}
reverse(interface {}) []interface {}
round(interface {}, int, []float64) float64
semver(string) (*semver.Version, error)
semverCompare(string, string) (bool, error)
seq([]int) string
set(map[string]interface {}, string, interface {}) map[string]interface {}
sha1sum(string) string
sha256sum(string) string
shuffle(string) string
slice(interface {}, []interface {}) interface {}
snakecase(string) string
sortAlpha(interface {}) []string
split(string, string) map[string]string
splitList(string, string) []string
splitn(string, int, string) map[string]string
squote([]interface {}) string
sub(interface {}, interface {}) int64
subf(interface {}, []interface {}) float64
substr(int, int, string) string
swapcase(string) string
ternary(interface {}, interface {}, bool) interface {}
title(string) string
toDate(string, string) time.Time
toDecimal(interface {}) int64
toJson(interface {}) string
toPrettyJson(interface {}) string
toRawJson(interface {}) string
toString(interface {}) string
toStrings(interface {}) []string
trim(string) string
trimAll(string, string) string
trimPrefix(string, string) string
trimSuffix(string, string) string
trimall(string, string) string
trunc(int, string) string
tuple([]interface {}) []interface {}
typeIs(string, interface {}) bool
typeIsLike(string, interface {}) bool
typeOf(interface {}) string
uniq(interface {}) []interface {}
unixEpoch(time.Time) string
unset(map[string]interface {}, string) map[string]interface {}
until(int) []int
untilStep(int, int, int) []int
untitle(string) string
upper(string) string
urlJoin(map[string]interface {}) string
urlParse(string) map[string]interface {}
uuidv4() string
values(map[string]interface {}) []interface {}
without(interface {}, []interface {}) []interface {}
wrap(int, string) string
wrapWith(int, string, string) string
Functions of package.
cast.StringToDate(s string) (time.Time, error)
cast.StringToDateInDefaultLocation(s string, location *time.Location) (time.Time, error)
cast.ToBool(i interface{}) bool
cast.ToBoolE(i interface{}) (bool, error)
cast.ToBoolSlice(i interface{}) []bool
cast.ToBoolSliceE(i interface{}) ([]bool, error)
cast.ToDuration(i interface{}) time.Duration
cast.ToDurationE(i interface{}) (d time.Duration, err error)
cast.ToDurationSlice(i interface{}) []time.Duration
cast.ToDurationSliceE(i interface{}) ([]time.Duration, error)
cast.ToFloat32(i interface{}) float32
cast.ToFloat32E(i interface{}) (float32, error)
cast.ToFloat64(i interface{}) float64
cast.ToFloat64E(i interface{}) (float64, error)
cast.ToInt(i interface{}) int
cast.ToInt16(i interface{}) int16
cast.ToInt16E(i interface{}) (int16, error)
cast.ToInt32(i interface{}) int32
cast.ToInt32E(i interface{}) (int32, error)
cast.ToInt64(i interface{}) int64
cast.ToInt64E(i interface{}) (int64, error)
cast.ToInt8(i interface{}) int8
cast.ToInt8E(i interface{}) (int8, error)
cast.ToIntE(i interface{}) (int, error)
cast.ToIntSlice(i interface{}) []int
cast.ToIntSliceE(i interface{}) ([]int, error)
cast.ToSlice(i interface{}) []interface{}
cast.ToSliceE(i interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
cast.ToString(i interface{}) string
cast.ToStringE(i interface{}) (string, error)
cast.ToStringMap(i interface{}) map[string]interface{}
cast.ToStringMapBool(i interface{}) map[string]bool
cast.ToStringMapBoolE(i interface{}) (map[string]bool, error)
cast.ToStringMapE(i interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
cast.ToStringMapInt(i interface{}) map[string]int
cast.ToStringMapInt64(i interface{}) map[string]int64
cast.ToStringMapInt64E(i interface{}) (map[string]int64, error)
cast.ToStringMapIntE(i interface{}) (map[string]int, error)
cast.ToStringMapString(i interface{}) map[string]string
cast.ToStringMapStringE(i interface{}) (map[string]string, error)
cast.ToStringMapStringSlice(i interface{}) map[string][]string
cast.ToStringMapStringSliceE(i interface{}) (map[string][]string, error)
cast.ToStringSlice(i interface{}) []string
cast.ToStringSliceE(i interface{}) ([]string, error)
cast.ToTime(i interface{}) time.Time
cast.ToTimeE(i interface{}) (tim time.Time, err error)
cast.ToTimeInDefaultLocation(i interface{}, location *time.Location) time.Time
cast.ToTimeInDefaultLocationE(i interface{}, location *time.Location) (tim time.Time, err error)
cast.ToUint(i interface{}) uint
cast.ToUint16(i interface{}) uint16
cast.ToUint16E(i interface{}) (uint16, error)
cast.ToUint32(i interface{}) uint32
cast.ToUint32E(i interface{}) (uint32, error)
cast.ToUint64(i interface{}) uint64
cast.ToUint64E(i interface{}) (uint64, error)
cast.ToUint8(i interface{}) uint8
cast.ToUint8E(i interface{}) (uint8, error)
cast.ToUintE(i interface{}) (uint, error)
codec.JsonDecode(v []byte) (any, error)
codec.JsonEncode(v any, pretty bool) ([]byte, error)
codec.YamlDecode(v []byte) (any, error)
codec.YamlEncode(v any) ([]byte, error)
codec.TomlDecode(v []byte) (any, error)
codec.TomlEncode(v any) ([]byte, error)
codec.Markdown(data []byte) []byte
codec.ByteToString(b []byte) string
codec.StringToByte(s string) []byte
codec.IndentByte(i int, data []byte) []byte
crypto.Base64(v any) (string, error)
crypto.Base64B(v []byte) string
crypto.Base64Decode(v any) ([]byte, error)
crypto.MD5(v any) (string, error)
crypto.MD5B(v []byte) []byte
crypto.SHA1(v any) (string, error)
crypto.SHA1B(v []byte) []byte
crypto.SHA256(v any) (string, error)
crypto.SHA256B(v []byte) []byte
crypto.FNV32a(v any) (int, error)
crypto.HMAC(h interface{}, k interface{}, m interface{}) (string, error)
crypto.JwtParseUnverified(token string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
Functions of package.
Trust required!
file.Save(fileName string, data []byte) (bool, error)
file.Write(fileName string, data []byte) (bool, error)
file.Read(fileName string) ([]byte, error)
html2.EscapeString(v string) string
html2.UnescapeString(v string) string
Functions of package.
humanize.BigBytes(s *big.Int) string
humanize.BigComma(b *big.Int) string
humanize.BigCommaf(v *big.Float) string
humanize.BigIBytes(s *big.Int) string
humanize.Bytes(v uint64) string
humanize.Comma(v int64) string
humanize.Commaf(v float64) string
humanize.CommafWithDigits(f float64, decimals int) string
humanize.ComputeSI(input float64) (float64, string)
humanize.CustomRelTime(a time.Time, b time.Time, albl string, blbl string, magnitudes []humanize.RelTimeMagnitude) string
humanize.FormatFloat(format string, n float64) string
humanize.FormatInteger(format string, n int) string
humanize.Ftoa(num float64) string
humanize.FtoaWithDigits(num float64, digits int) string
humanize.IBytes(v uint64) string
humanize.Ordinal(x int) string
humanize.ParseBigBytes(s string) (*big.Int, error)
humanize.ParseBytes(s string) (uint64, error)
humanize.RelTime(a time.Time, b time.Time, albl string, blbl string) string
humanize.SI(input float64, unit string) string
humanize.Time(then time.Time) string
Before to use log functions, you need to give a logger when initialize fstore
Example of zerolog usage:
fstore.WithLog(logz.AdapterKV{Log: log.Logger}),
Arguments should be support Adapter
type Adapter interface {
Error(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
Debug(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
Warn(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
Log functions return the same value (...interface{} part) as input.
log.Debug(string, ...interface {}) interface {}
log.Error(string, ...interface {}) interface {}
log.Info(string, ...interface {}) interface {}
log.Warn(string, ...interface {}) interface {}
map.Set(key string, value interface{}) map[string]interface{}
map.Get(key string, data map[string]interface{}) interface{}
os.ReadDir(i any) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
os.ReadFile(i any) (string, error)
os.FileExists(i any) (bool, error)
os.Stat(i any) (os.FileInfo, error)
time.Now() time.Time
time.RFC3339() string
time.Format(format string, t time.Time) string
time.UTC(t time.Time) time.Time
time.AddDuration(t time.Time, d time.Duration) time.Time
time.Duration(d string) (time.Duration, error)
time.AddDate(t time.Time, years, months, days int) time.Time
random.Intn(min, max int) int
random.Alpha(n int) string
random.AlphaNum(n int) string
random.Ascii(n int) string
random.Numeric(n int) string
random.Float(min float64, max float64) float64
decimal.Decimal functions, accepts any type of number with decimal.Decimal, string, json.Number.